When coming up with a digital marketing strategy, it is important to create something that captures a person’s attention while making the interaction mutually beneficial to both consumer and brand. Marketers need to acknowledge a consumer’s time by offering interesting incentives. One way to make this happen is to instantly reward consumers for interacting with mobile-based games, or mobile gamification. Although gamification has been around for a couple of years, it is positioned as a future marketing trend and has been gaining more attention as an ideal way to create engagement with a consumer audience.
Gamification incorporates typical elements of game playing (for example scratch cards, spin-to-win, slot machines, etc.) to mobile engagement campaigns. The fun and competitive-like experience stimulates the creative and playful spirit in all of us. It creates an emotional connection with the audience that leads to a longer relationship rather than traditional brand awareness marketing. With people checking their phones as often as every four minutes, looking for a distraction or an update, brands should not pass up the opportunity to grab their attention.
The benefit of applying game mechanics to real-world situations has a great deal of psychological support. By rewarding players – either by scoring points, earning badges or simply providing a sense of achievement – gaming is a hugely engaging activity. The good news is you don’t have to get too complicated. The key to a successful gamification campaign is to keep it simple. Difficult-to-play games, frustrating instructions, or time-consuming requests will lead mobile users to disengage rather than play. Keeping the effort required of consumers to a minimum doesn’t dilute the value of a product — it makes consumers more likely to see it in a positive light and take a chance on it, even if they’ve never heard of it before.
While you’re here, visit our showcase and try out some our gamification demos and visit our Digital Promotions site. Feel free to contact us for more information on how we can help enhance your marketing strategy.